when permitted

英 [wen pəˈmɪtɪd] 美 [wen pərˈmɪtɪd]




  1. It is the time that when are trembling for the cold while you are permitted to enter a warm and comfortable room.
  2. When designing an XML vocabulary, you can be more precise about rules for the sibling order that is permitted in valid documents.
  3. School officials have not yet decided when freshmen will be permitted to return to campus.
  4. Not long after that, Britain also lost control of football, our greatest contribution to the world, when we stupidly permitted the central element of mud to be taken out.
  5. But in China, such patriotic verbiage is also a reminder of times not entirely departed when little other public speech was permitted.
  6. When special circumstance ( for example, lack of proficiency in English) pertain, a student may be permitted to take a "light" academic load ( number of courses).
  7. When the Impulse is green, you may buy or stand aside but absolutely no shorting is permitted.
  8. When I lived in Taiwan in the late 1990s, tourists from China were not permitted to visit the island.
  9. Laid overhead, certain distance should be kept between the cable and trees when laid, and the cable is permitted to contact with trees frequently when the cable working.
  10. The turning point came when a memo was circulated at Kleinwort Benson where I worked, stating that staff were not permitted to hold directorships or shareholdings in external companies.
  11. A ball mark can be checked on a point ending shot, or when play is stopped ( a return is permitted, but then the player must immediately stop)
  12. Sunrider may also disclose your personally identifiable information when permitted by you.
  13. When they had paid their tribute of politeness by curtseying to the lady of the house, they were permitted to mingle in the crowd.
  14. When soldering the electrolytic capacitor, the soldering time should never be permitted over 10 seconds, and for 260 · C of the soldering temperature.
  15. When I trained, I was not permitted to wear a woman's dress for three years.
  16. They argue that their collaboration, even when not permitted, is simply gaining practice at a skill they need to acquire to get a good job and advance, he says.
  17. Thoreau lived in America in the nineteenth century, when the government still permitted the owning of slaves.
  18. Moreover, when banks shed credit risk, regulators permitted them to make more loans enabling more credit to be pumped into the economy, creating even more bank fees.
  19. Khan and Tanweer were on the lower-priority list of40 "desirable" suspects who should be followed up when resources permitted.
  20. That is because all dealings among people involve relationship-defined obligations, and so when relationship-defined obligations are supreme at no time will unjust and immoral behavior be permitted.
  21. When he was pleased with himself, he permitted himself a pinch of snuff.
  22. When engineering machinery work in operating conditions of a steep slope which exceeds the inclined angle permitted in common engineering machinery, the oil pump will suck air to damage normal lubrication and engine.
  23. Testing the main parameters of track circuit at interval by this method and estimating the safety of track circuit when error is permitted have strong practical meaning.
  24. However, the optimal operating line will be greatly affected by the application of the recuperator, which makes the line be when the highest permitted inlet gas temperature of turbine is maintained.
  25. This right take precedence of the ordinary hypothecation, but when it occurs conflict with the claim of advance sales of commercial housing, the contractor can not be permitted to exercise the priority to repayment authority in construction project.
  26. Prove the equivalence between backorder-optimal oddment allocation and inventory-optimal one when inventory transfer among retailers is permitted or not;
  27. When the error is bigger than certain value, it should be controlled by time-best choiceness and system is permitted to move at the greatest velocity.
  28. Compression mechanism controls lever-group part-bundle mechanism, which ensures the falling of falling-board when compression piston reaches return position, thus the mechanism makes full use of permitted maximum falling-board time;
  29. The results predicted by the above model agree well with those obtained by the experimental method. Second, the charging current is limited while voltages are applied on DE. When the output current reaches permitted value, there will be a turning point on the stress-strain curve.